Working With Table Cells

It is possible to combine cells together to make one large cell, or split a cell into two or more.


helper To combine or merge cells

To merge cells together into one cell, first select the cells you want to merge by first clicking on the first cell, then drag your mouse around the table until all the desired cells are selected.

rightarrowFrom the main menu select "Table/Merge cells", or
rightarrowClick on the icon "Merge Cells" located on the Table Format bar.

helper To unmerge cells

If you want to unmerge the cells.

rightarrowFrom the main menu select "Table/Split Cells.../Original cells"

helper To divide or split a cell horizontally

First position the edit cursor so that it appears in the cell you want to split, then do one of the following:

rightarrowFrom the main menu select "Table/Split Cells...", or
rightarrowClick on the icon located on the Table Format bar.

helper To divide or split a cell vertically

If you want a vertical split, then

rightarrowFrom the main menu select "Table/Split Cells...", or
rightarrowClick on the icon located on the Format bar

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